About Global Water Watch

A data platform of free, globally accessible near-real-time information on water

Charles Iceland

Use case lead,

Global Water Watch, supported by Google and the Water, Peace, and Security Partnership, is a data platform of free, globally accessible near-real-time information on water. It provides information on over 80,000 global reservoirs and major river systems, helping decision-makers respond to extreme weather events and manage growing risks of climate change. Global Water Watch is a partnership between Deltares, World Resources Institute (WRI), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Water has played a key role in human security throughout history, but attention to water-related threats has been growing in recent years due to increasing water risks. Water demand has increased sharply in many regions of the world as a result of population growth and economic expansion. Climate change is expected to decrease water supply in  many regions of the world, alter the timing of water availability, and increase the severity of droughts and floods. These increasing pressures on water resources undermine water security and contribute to conflict, migration, health crises, and food and energy insecurity across the world.

Data on global water resources is essential for managing these growing risks and challenges. Deltares, World Resources Institute (WRI), and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) are partnering to provide free, globally accessible near-real-time information on water, beginning with information on over 70,000 global reservoirs and major river systems. This information is derived using satellite data, machine learning, and cloud computing. This work is supported by both the Water, Peace, and Security Partnership and Google.

The following datasets will be added to Global Water Watch:

  • Reservoir water area time series (m2), near-real-time, Q2 2022

  • Reservoir water storage time series (m3), preview version, ~Q2-3 2022

  • Water levels/discharge for rivers, feasibility study, ~Q4 2022

The potential applications of this information are manifold. First, Global Water Watch will help national and subnational governments manage water resources more sustainably, efficiently, and equitably. Second, because the information is in the public domain, it will hold governments accountable for proper stewardship of precious water resources and shine a light on water resource conditions in upstream states and nations, who may be reluctant to share data with downstream neighbors. Third, the high resolution and near real-time data within this new tool will help decision-makers respond more quickly and effectively to extreme weather events such as droughts and floods, which are occurring with greater frequency and intensity due to climate change.

Climate change and growing natural resource pressures are existential threats to both humanity and nature. These threats require ambitious responses. Deltares, WRI and WWF intend for Global Water Watch to become part of a set of much needed responses to these existential threats that make societies more climate resilient and preserve and restore our vital ecosystems and the many services they provide.