Global Water Watch

Democratizing earth’s data on water resources

Societies and economies

Societies and economies are under threat because of the unreliability of per capita water resources due to climate change, non-sustainable use and political instability. Worldwide water information is essential to address this fundamental challenge.

Satellite data and machine learning

We use AI to identify and classify existing water bodies and to generate information about water dynamics in near-real-time. Water variables derived directly from satellite images without proper interpretation are inadequate for decision-makers facing questions like “How much water is stored in my reservoir?”, “Do we have enough water to irrigate crops this year?”, “How does the upstream country manage its water resources?”. 

Multiple Use-case scenarios

Red Cross

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Roles in this partnership

Deltares will focus on remote sensing and machine learning algorithms in the field of water and the subsoil. WRI’s role in the project is to work on front-end user requirements and use case development. WWF’s role is to be involved in stakeholder engagement and convening dialogue with local communities. is the philanthropic arm of Google. Their goal is to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges — combining funding, innovation, and technical expertise to support underserved communities and provide opportunity for everyone.

Product roadmap

  • Project awarded - April 2021

    To stimulate access to water information, the Dutch research institute Deltares has – with its partners World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Wide Fund (WWF) – received financial support from for the development of an app containing world-wide, high-resolution, near-real-time, water data.

  • Scientific paper submitted - March 2022

    We are working on a paper explaining our new methods to detect and monitor reservoirs.

  • Milestone product - Start 2023

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  • Gena Donchyts

    Principal investigator,
  • Hessel Winsemius

    Lead Hydrologist,
  • Alexis Morgan

    Use case lead,
  • Charles Iceland

    Use case lead,
  • Fedor Baart

  • Roeli Suiker

    Communication expert,


The financial support for the development of the app was covered by the Impact Challenge on Climate.